http://www.spellingcity.com/ You can type in the frequently misspelled words that you have trouble with on this page, and it will give you games, and activities to help you study the words.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuiQvPLWziQ&feature=related This site is a video that shows earth's rotation around the sun.
http://a4esl.org/q/h/grammar.html This site may seem a little overwhelming, but don't get overwhelmed. Simply click on on the blue words, under each section, and the site will appear. I suggest working under the areas on sentence structure, and word choice, but go to any area that you know you struggle with.
http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/kidscorner/games/producersconsumersgame.htm This is the fun site we worked on when we studied food chains.
Here is a fun site to help you understand animal adaptations.
http://www.funbrain.com/math/ This one is the funbrain site for Math.
http://apps.southeastwater.com.au/games/education_kidsroom_wcactivity.asp This is a great water cycle game.
When I find more I will post them, so keep checking.
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